Saturday, December 18, 2010

OUCH!!!!! :/

Hey guys!
Yesterday, during home fellowship, we found a cat in the house! (not my house,jeremy's house) Yeap! A cat! X) So the cat ran upstairs and we followed it! :/ Found it in Jeremy's room!!!! XD It was hiding under the chair and sooo Uncle Trevor tried to lift the chair so the cat could run out in the end, he almost crushed its neck...XD lol!
Then the cat panic when it ran out! It tried to escape through the glass door which was close! It panic till it urinated in the room! >< smelly though... :/ so we let it escape out the glass door, down the stairs and out of the door. When it took one step dad smack it in the face with a wooden roller board! XD LOLX!!! So funny! The cat almost fainted...then it escaped out....after like an hour or so...We heard the cat's meow outside the house again...lolx...

So funny! I can never forget the part where my dad smack it in the face!!! X) hahaha...

kk...that's all! Bye!